Purpose - why do we need one ? - AN INSIGHT TO YOUR INTELLECT


Sunday, 21 February 2021

Purpose - why do we need one ?

Many people in their life face this issue of not having a purpose . Some lucky people might find their purpose easily but a lot of us face struggle to find one. Sometimes we also get confuse
 between a goal and purpose. We use goal and purpose interchangeably but there is a difference.
               Purpose is like a structure on which you order your life. If I have to explain it to someone in a very simple manner then I would probably say that purpose is something which helps you to get up in the morning.You might not have any motivation to get up. You might be in the worst phase  of  your life. You might not have a single iota of energy to do your work but you will. Because you have your purpose to look after. Your purpose will provide the juice to get going, to move forward. And believe me if you keep working on it then it doesn't matter in which situation you're in ,everything will eventually fall in its right place. This existential and abstract

concepts of life  is important to figure out because it gives meaning to our life on some level and it helps us to discover and to grow  as an individual.  
    we often confuse purpose with goals. Goal is a milestone and what drives you through that journey to reach your goal is what we called purpose. Don't make your milestone your purpose . Because it will make you feel like a loser on an existenial level when you couldn't achieve it. And even if you achieve it then you will be blank because you won't know what to do next. A small example can be this- Making money should not be your purpose it should be your goal and accumulating unique  good experiences,perspective and whatnot, through that money should be your purpose . Enjoying the different experiences  and learning should be your purpose. 
               The important question is how to find one . You have to figure this  out by doing experiments in your life. And by experiments I mean that by doing as many things as you can. And then start eliminating things which you don't want. By this trial and error you will eventually find somethings in  which you're good at and you enjoy doing that. It's a long process and you have to be patient. And after that you have to use that thing to serve a cause ,a thing, or someone. Push yourself incrementally and make it challenging everyday. There's no point of having a purpose if you're not growing with it . So expand your comfort circle by making it uncomfortable . And after  all this surrender yourself to your purpose. This is the formula of purpose.
          (Find something you're good at + make it challenging + use it to serve cause,thing,someone + surrender)        {cc- PG}


  1. Explanation about the gaol and purpose is quite fascinating.. It reminds me the book "Atomic Habits" nearly similar thoughts, Still there is a confusion about considering money as a Goal.As of my acknowledgement Bhagbat gita sates money as Lust material... How can we take it as our goal? If u can resolve my confusion plz contact sandeepstar460@gmail.com.Thank u keep it up bro👍

    1. We can consider making money as our goal but the purpose should be how can we utilise it to make our as well as others life better...
      The more money ...the more people you can help...
      For eg - opening up a small start up and expanding it and giving employment, donation and helping to increase the country's condition

  2. Fascinating vlog..
    Will love to read the bloggers thought on other topics..
